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Cardona/Wharton Administration Announces Cabinet Picks

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As was covered in an earlier post, the Cardona/Wharton administration revamped their Cabinet, at least as compared to last year’s massive (bloated?) organization. As they mentioned in their first official campus-wide “ASSU Update,” they’ve filled those positions. Here’s the list:

Chief of Staff – John Haskell ’12
Chair of Campus Organizing – Elise Marie ’13
Chair of Disabilities and Accessible Education – Vivian Wong ’12
Chair of Diversity, Tolerance, and Equality – Tenzin Seldon ’12
Chair of Grad Issues – Ryan Peacock Phd. Candidate
Chair of Health and Wellness – Taylor Winfield ’13
Chair of Life, Academics, and Cost of Living – Amanda Mener ’12
Chair of Marketing and Design – Demetric Sanders ’10 (assuming co-term?)
Chair of Service – Neveen Mahmoud ’11
Chair of Social Life – Warner Sallman ’11
Chair of Sustainability – Theo Gibbs
Chair of Technology – Taylor Savage ’13
Chair of Women’s Issues – Viviana Arcia

What does this tell us?

Not too much offhand. The only carryover from the Gobaud Cabinet is Amanda Mener (in the same position). Theo Gibbs is a current co-president of Students for a Sustainable Stanford (according to Mygroups). Ryan Peacock continues a tradition of having a member of the second-place slate be part of the incoming administration’s Cabinet. There are several rising sophomores in the Cabinet, but that isn’t unusual (both based on the last administration’s Cabinet and the normal distribution of ASSU political activity (which tends to have a peak in sophomore and senior years; in fact, the number of rising juniors seems almost more unusual)). Warner Sallman was my Peer Mentor.

Really, that’s about all I can say right now. We’ll have to wait to see what they come up with to learn more.


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.