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The 10 member Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education Search Committee has been announced, featuring five professors, one dean, two vice provosts (student affairs and academic affairs), and two students, Erin Olivella-Wright ’12 and Kyle Wong ’12 (full disclosure: I was on the NomCom that nominated these students, among others, for this position and I know both of these students personally). They are currently soliciting nominations for the position (email deansearch @ stanford . edu if you have any suggestions) for candidates who are:

…committed to championing and improving the undergraduate experience while capable of articulating in an effective and inspiring manner the intellectual and pedagogical ideals of Stanford University.

The VPUE position, currently held by John Bravman (who announced on April 12th that he was leaving for the presidency of Bucknell University, effective at the end of this year), oversees a wide variety of major programs, ranging from IntroSems (aka the fun part of Stanford Introductory Studies) to Overseas Studies to Undergraduate Advising and Research (which is now part of Undergraduate Advising and Life). The next VPUE will have to be able to manage the competing demands of continuing these already successful programs (well, maybe except IHUM…just kidding, Gabe Wolfenstein), while continuing to innovate and improve, all while continuing to raise record-breaking sums of money for Stanford.

I think that it’s likely that the promotion will come internally, so a dean or administratively inclined senior professor will likely take over the position. If you’ve got a candidate who you think is up to the task, send them along!


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.