[](http://blog.stanfordreview.org/content/images/2010/09/Screen-shot-2010-09-10-at-6.42.00-PM.png)A screenshot of Aboukhadijeh's player.As the *Washington Post*[points out](http://voices.washingtonpost.com/blog-post/2010/09/youtube_instant_trumps_google.html), a rising Stanford junior has trumped Google Instant with his YouTube Instant. Feross Aboukhadijeh ’12 apparently created [his site](http://www.feross.net/instant/), which guesses your search term and produces what I assume to be the first search result for that search, in *a mere three hours*. Whether this is Stanford selecting the best CS minds or molding them, count me impressed. It’s pretty fun, so check it out.
UPDATE: As a result, Aboukhadijeh has been offered a job by YouTube’s CEO. Pretty sweet for someone halfway through a BSc.