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The Road to Wellness: Soloist Drawing

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The Road to Wellness is one man’s journey to win the Wellness Challenge, become Well, and take home $100 in the process. In part one I got a pedicure, petted some cacti and walked the dish. In part two I petted a dog and did some yoga. In part three I went to California Pizza Kitchen and meditated.

26. Color or draw

Compare and contrast:

[![]( "American Gothic-1")](
Is This the Original?
[![]( "AMG")](
Or Is It This?
** **

27. Movie at the Bridge

Myself, Sen. Warma (who I’m putting at an Al Gore in terms of bitterness today), and three others (all of whom are in some way affiliated with Wellness Week) sat down and watched The Soloist. The movie follows a Los Angeles Times columnist and his relationship with schizophrenic Julliard student / musical genius / homeless Angelino Nathaniel Ayers. Will Jamie Foxx try to follow up this movie with a hit song performed while in character? He’s done it before.

Also, I have no idea why Robert Downey, Jr. is in this movie. Does the journalist who befriends a schizophrenic cellist need to have a bad boy, loose cannon charisma about him? And considering both actors have released CDs, couldn’t there have been a little song and dance at the end? That may actually be an unreasonable request from a movie about mental illness. My bad.

If it seems like I’m slowing down, it’s because I now only have six things left to do on my own time and five Official Wellness Events to do over the next two days before I can lay claim to my $100. Buwahahaha!


Cookies, mental health monologues, and the Wellness Par-tay where there will be massages and dance yoga workshops! Dance yoga workshops!


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.